Since 1993
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- Recommended Classical Music Books for Classical Music
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- General Reference on the Music
- Specific Topics in Classical Music
- Used and Out of Print Recommendations and Links to Where to Purchase
- Book Repair and Maintenance for Long Life
- Maintaining Your Vinyl Record Collection
- Improving Your Vinyl Listening Experience
- Early Mail-Order Classical Record Clubs [pg. The Conductors Orchestras Soloists]
- The Concert Hall Society
- The Musical Masterpiece Society
- Grocery Store Record Collections of the 1950's - 1970's
- The "Basic Library of the World's Greatest Music" [Its own page]
- "The Standard Treasury of the World's Great Music" [Its own page]
- "The Webster Library of the World's Greatest Music" [pg. Other Record Sets]
- "The Philharmonic Family Library of Great Music" [pg. Other Record Sets]
- "The Funk & Wagnalls Family Library of Great Music" [pg. Other Record Sets]
- Grocery Store Reference Book Sets [pg. Reference Book Sets]
- One-Item Per Week Until Complete - The Grocery Store Installment Plan with No Interest!
- "The Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia"
- "The Golden Book Encyclopedia"
- "The Golden Book Picture Atlas of the World"
- "The Golden Book Dictionary"
- "The Little & Ives Dictionary and Family Reference Library"
- "The New Century Unabridged Dictionary"
- "The Standard Treasury of the World's Great Paintings"
- Pronunciation of the Names of Persons, Places, and Works

- Famous RCA Records Technical "Achievements" - See our web [pg. Other Record Sets] for Buttons to the 4 pages below
- "Gruve Gard" - Anti-scratch molding
- "Miracle Surface" - Anti-static vinyl
- "Dynaflex" - Floppy disc records, ultra-thin, flexible, and warped...
- "Dynagroove" - Special disc mastering techniques, and signal processing designed to drive audiophiles crazy
- Classical Music Trivia
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